Video Games in the School Library
During my clinical experience, I will never forget walking
into the library and watching students play video games during their study hall
period. I was very curious about the educational value of video games. Are there student benefits to gaming in the library? Let’s discuss the pros and cons of using
gaming in the school library.
-attracts students to library
-helps with critical thinking skills
-helps with problem solving skills
- encourages healthy risk taking
- encourages 21st century skills such as collaboration,
information and media literacy
-helps motivate students for reading and learning
-lack of support
-lack of funding
-lack of incentives
-little support from administration and technology staff
-insufficient time to participate in gaming
-librarians struggle with how to align gaming with school
-game consoles
-game controllers
-strategy guides
After reading more and reflecting on video games in the
school library. It is obvious that I would include video gaming in the library.
When I become a librarian, I would start a video gaming club after school to promote 21st
century skills but also the library. Many of the students who play video games
are students who do not read enough. By inviting the students in to play games
it can be a wonderful way to introduce reading into students lives.
Questions that I
How have you used games in the library? If so
what games and what was your experience?
How do you purchase or rent the equipment
required for a game?
Other Resources:
Elkins, A. J. (2015). Why School Librarians Should Embrace
Gaming in the Library. Knowledge Quest, 43(5), 59-63.
Hovious, A. S., & Van Eck, R. N. (2015). Digital Games for 21st-Century Learning. Teacher Librarian, 42(5), 34-38.
Our students tend to bring in their own equipment and hook it up to the drop down projector in the library. So far we've had Mario Kart and a Super Smash Brothers tournament. While administration isn't thrilled about us doing it all the time, when we've had our Maker Fair or some sort of Library promotion (Teen Tech Week is in March) they've been more accepting. Gaming in the library is great! It works on all those critical thinking skills and interpersonal skills we don't get to focus on all the time.