Monday, February 5, 2018

New Standards, New Plans?

February 5, 2018

In November of 2017, AASL introduced new National School Library Standards and school librarians all over the country got excited. Then , worry set in! Many of us have lesson plans that we have already created and are excited about using. Do we need to create all new plans just because there are new standards?

The answer is no! All that is needed is a little tweak because the new standards are not that different. Review your old lessons and see how the old plans fit with the new Shared Foundations. Chances are that your old lesson fits into one of the categories. AASL has released some excellent tools to help with the transition and steps to help librarians embrace the new standards.

Take a look at the website AASL created to help with the transition, I think you will be pleasantly surprised!

J. Karluk

1 comment:

  1. I agree! I feel that these standards cover a larger range of skills and that you can apply these to the lessons already created. Many of the standards can apply to a lesson so I don't think there should be a need to reinvent the wheel and create new plans from scratch.


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