Friday, February 2, 2018

3D Printers in the library: Here to stay or just a trend?

According to Educause Learning Initiative (2012), 3D printing is the “process of creating an object using a machine that puts down material layer by layer in three dimensions until the desired object is formed.”  3D printers have been called the modern sewing machine or compared to a blacksmith when automobiles were being developed.  With technology changing at a more rapid pace than ever, it is also becoming increasingly important for schools to keep up with these changes to make learning in our hands-on environments both practical and relatable. 3D printers open a world of possibilities with projects ranging from replacement parts to obscure concepts. A 3D printer provides students with the chance to see their visions come to life.  Do you think 3D printers are here to stay or just a trend? Click Here for one librarians story and suggestions for using 3D printers with kids.
-Christina Burge, Feb. 2018
Click Here for a Basic Guide to 3D Printers in Libraries and Information about workshops from 3D Herndon
Moore, C. (2015). 3D printing programs for kids. Retrieved from


  1. I think 3D printers are here to stay, but in every school that I have been in that has a 3D printer, it is the domain of the Tech Ed department, not the library. Is that standard?

  2. I was in a high school yesterday where the 3D printer was in the library. At that school, the IT Department was in the library, so the librarians and IT worked together to keep the printer running. It seemed that all were happy with that arrangement.

    1. We have two 3D printers in Tech Ed but that only reaches about 150 students vs. a library that is available to all 1,500 in the school. Another high school in our county has a 3D printer and it is always being utilized!

  3. I hope they are here to stay because we just ordered one from Mackin. If it's even a fraction as much fun as the Cricut then I'm sure it will be a huge success!

  4. Like Christina's school, we also have two 3D printers. Also one in the library and one in the engineering department. The one in the engineering department is used in support of the engineering classes and see a good bit of use for different projects. The one in the library is in the maker space and is only seeing limited use at this point.


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